showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Unreal  MacSoft (Westlake Interactive;Epic MegaGames;Digital Extremes)1999 labelminimizeminimize
Klingon Honor Guard  MacSoft (Microprose)1999 labelminimizeminimize
Unreal Tournament  MacSoft (Epic Megagames)2000 labelminimizeminimize
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen  PAN Interactive;Simon & Schuster (The Collective)2000[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Mac OS 8
* PowerMac G3 CPU
* 64 MB RAM
* 150 MB HD space

* 650 MB HD space

* OS 9.1 emulation mode in OS X
Rune Gathering of Developers (Human Head Studios)2000System requirements claim "PCI PowerMac" but say nothing about bus speed, video card, sound card, nor any other hardware users might have or not have in the system's bus. labelminimizeminimize
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone  Aspyr (Westlake Interactive)2002 labelimageminimize
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Aspyr2003 labelminimizeminimize